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This page is starting to take some shape, the depth is coming through. Journaling is a process that I love for its availiblity, you can just open a page and start working. I like to let the page evolve. The freedom to do whatever I want without trying to make a "finished piece". I can express myself with words and images. Words are not enough sometimes to tap into what I may want to express I just gotta have the visuals.
I was so lucky to have worked at PaperSource this past year, I learned much about paper quality and how make my own hard covered journals. I am teaching myself how to make a book using a Coptic stitch technique, its tricky and I keep trying to make it easier by creating my own version but it did not work so well. That is what I love about making and experimenting you can't lose, you just learn and grow.
Dream Big...
5 years ago
Lovely blog you have here - so glad I stumbled across your blog - cheers Val